Saturday, December 11, 2010

People Breastfeeding Their Husband

Monday, 13.12.

On Monday we go together to the punch by the 55ern the final choice of our storage location.
meeting place: 18.30 in Alterlaa at 66A Sation.
so soon:)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Do Slave Bracelets Have Any Significance?

11.12. Advent walk

We travel together with the S-Bahn to Mödlinger Kobenzl and with cakes and drinks of the evening will end comfortably.

When: 11th December 2010

Meeting: 14 clock, scout hall Khleslplatz

return: about 19:00 Pfadfinderheim Khleslplatz

Warm clothing and sturdy shoes are required.

addendum of Mr. ARO:

Since we will take the train, please either tickets (zone + an outer zone) or change take for the ticket machines.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

5.1 Receiver Hdmi Upconversion Audio Out

Christkindlmarkt Home Evening Home Evening

Next Thursday, so at 9:12 we go along with the 47ern and 45ern the Schoenbrunn Christmas Market. As
Each year, meeting at 18:30 before the big tree.

edit: not quite right, for the 45er and 47er are not with us, on 20.12 have the 47er but invited to a joint Christmas market visit Spittelberg followed urSRUNG photo show at 47er home

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Acne At Perimenopause

Locator or Spatial I know?

this question, our customers from time to time. And to answer it is, admittedly, not so easy.
why we want to give you some help.

start with, there would be a rough classification of 2D vector data (Locator) and everything else (Spatial), such as 3D vector data, raster data, network data model, topologies, Geocoding, linear reference systems, routing, geo-services (except WMS), etc. What concerns
the 2D vector data, one must then take a closer look at the support of Locator features . These are described in detail in Table B-1 in Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide . What is not listed, but instead in Table B-2, Spatial.

Moreover, one can draw even the so-called Feature Usage Statistics help. User-makers with DBA privileges can view these as follows:
 select * from where dba_feature_usage_statistics lower (name) like '% locator%' or lower (name) like '%% spatial'; 
Since 11gR2 are reported Locator and Spatial is special.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How To Set Cheats In Gpsphone

Lauter little helper

Today it should be a matter of geometries that are not Simple Feature are compliant to correct where possible.
for such correction is available in 11gR1 the function RECTIFY_GEOMETRY SDO_UTIL in the package, which is the corrected (Rectified) geometry returns.
A look at the Oracle Spatial on-line documentation reveals the process of the mistakes are correctable:
  • double points (based on the tolerance)
  • self-intersecting polygons
  • wrong orientation of inner and / or outer ring (s) of a polygon
finds there is also the format described.

how can we bring this function in application? Let us simply more accurate.
First, a table is created in which all faulty geometries are to be registered.
 drop table geometry_errors purge, - create create error table table geometry_errors (table_name varchar2 (30), column_name varchar2 (30), obj_rowid rowid, geometry SDO_GEOMETRY, tolerance number, error_code char (5), error_message varchar2 (256) error_context varchar2 (256) is_fixed number (1) default 0); 
The actual procedure for checking the geometry, would look as follows. The problematic geometries below that are included in the error table.
 - procedure to check for invalid geometries in the whole scheme - Warning: Can some time BENEFIT! declare DEFAULT_TOLERANCE number: = 0.0000005; COMMIT_FREQUENCY number: = 100; geom_cursor sys_refcursor; v_diminfo sdo_dim_array; v_srid number; v_tolerance number; v_rowid rowid; v_geometry SDO_GEOMETRY; v_num_rows number; v_num_errors number; v_error_code char (5); v_error_message varchar2 (256); v_error_context varchar2 (256); v_status varchar2 (256) begin - All tables with SDO_GEOMETRY columns litigate for t in (select table_name, column_name from user_tab_columns where data_type = 'SDO_GEOMETRY' order by table_name, column_name) loop - begin Lies tolerance from the metadata select diminfo, srid into v_diminfo, v_srid USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA from table_name where column_name = = t.table_name and t.column_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then v_diminfo: = null; v_srid: = null end; - In the absence of metadata, default tolerance is accept if v_diminfo v_tolerance then zero: = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; else v_tolerance = v_diminfo (1) sdo_tolerance; end if; - geometries litigate v_num_rows. = 0; v_num_errors: = 0 ; geom_cursor open for 'select rowid,' : = Sqlerrm (v_error_code); v_error_context: = substr (v_status, 7); else v_error_code: = v_status; v_error_message: = null; v_error_context: = null; end IF; - Fehler wegschreiben geometry_errors INSERT INTO (table_name, column_name, obj_rowid , geometry, tolerance, ERROR_CODE, error_message, error_context) Values (t.table_name, t.column_name, v_rowid, v_geometry, v_tolerance, v_error_code, v_error_message, v_error_context ) End if; - commit commit according COMMIT_FREQUENCY if mod (v_num_rows, COMMIT_FREQUENCY) = 0 then; end if; end loop; end loop; - Final commit commit end; / <> 
should be noted that the For construction can lead to the procedure for a while claim, depending on the number of geometries to be tested;.
Before the actual correction goes, we will look closely at first the error table.
- error for each table, Error code select table_name, error_code, error_message, count (*) from table_name group by geometry_errors, error_code, error_message order by table_name, error_code, - select error per error code table error_code, error_message, table_name, count (*) from geometry_errors group by error_code, error_message, table_name order by error_code, table_name, - error details select table_name, obj_rowid, is_fixed , error_message, error_context from geometry_errors where is_fixed = 0 order by table_name, obj_rowid;
For the correction is now the function SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY used.
- procedure for correcting the geometry declare - Error handling for non-correctable geometries - "ORA-13 199: the given geometry can not be rectified" cannot_rectify exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT (cannot_rectify, -13 199); v_geometry_fixed SDO_GEOMETRY; begin - invalid geometry for e litigate in (select rowid, table_name, column_name, obj_rowid, tolerance, geometry from geometry_errors where is_fixed = 0 order by table_name, column_name) loop - - correct, if possible, with SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY geometry. - Otherwise: - In function returns NULL - in and 11.2: error function raises ORA-13 199 v_geometry_fixed begin: = sdo_util.rectify_geometry (e.geometry, e.tolerance); exception when cannot_rectify then v_geometry_fixed: = null end; if v_geometry_fixed is not null then - Correct geometry execute immediate 'update'
 - Error in Table, Status, and Error Correction Code select table_name, is_fixed, error_code, error_message, count (*) from table_name group by geometry_errors, is_fixed, error_code, error_message order by table_name, is_fixed, error_code, - error after correction and error status CodeSelect is_fixed, error_code, error_message, count (*) from geometry_errors group by is_fixed, error_code, error_message order by is_fixed, error_code, - Details select table_name, obj_rowid, is_fixed, error_message, error_context from geometry_errors order by is_fixed, table_name, obj_rowid; 
may not have corrected all erroneous geometries in this way are but a first step towards quality improvement is done. Who
not the fault table after correction needed should, by the way do not forget to remove it again.
drop table purge geometry_errors;


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Can I Have A Bath After Hysterectomy

25.11. - Cinema Action column

Update: added the surcharge have * drumroll *

U nstoppable (and of course, this film takes place in the cinema at the Vienna mountain until about 20:00)

Since not the idea fits with our time schedules, the plan must be amended as follows:

We do not go to the movies Wienerberg, Lugner but in the City. The show starts at 18:00
Meet at 17:40, U6 Burggasse Gablenzgasse at the rising (or Lugner City)

The cards cost € 8,50 per Keksnase, we have considered the proceeds of the recently painted Christmas balls zweckzuwidmen for this action. Depending on how you want the cookies. Please take the money I won with the time being.

If after the performance, someone will not be collected, we will travel together on the subway to Khleslplatz.


values biscuits!

Since the home at 25.11. Advent market is cluttered with material that we go to the movies. Here you will find the program: =

Please vote in the poll for the next movie that you want to see her to vote for a number of films is of course allowed. Since most movies begin at 18 clock we meet probably at 17:45 at the box office at the Vienna mountain. Details follow ...

says anex ...

PS: Somehow this gadget vote a color setting problem. To see the movies you must take the (invisible haha!) Highlight text.

Monday, November 22, 2010

High Hematocrit Levels In Canines

convert GPX files to SDO_GEOMETRY

Recently I loaded a colleague
     xmlns =    " "      tc2    = " ... \u0026lt;Trkseg    >  46:55 Z \u0026lt;/ name>    :  \u0026lt;  trk  >   \u0026lt;  name  >  2010-11-16T03 \u0026lt;trkpt        lat    = "51.4799802"      lon    = "7.9678522"  >   \u0026lt;  he  >   270.7484131 \u0026lt;/ it>   \u0026lt;  team  >  2010-11-16T03: 46:55 Z  \u0026lt;/ time>   \u0026lt;/ trkpt>   \u0026lt;  trkpt      lat    = "51.4799436"      lon    = "7.9678679"  >   \u0026lt;  he  >   264.0192871 \u0026lt;/ it>   \u0026lt;  team  >  2010-11-16T03: 47:06 Z  \u0026lt;/ time>   \u0026lt;/ trkpt>   \u0026lt;  trkpt      lat    = "51.4797696"      lon    = "7.9681059"  >   \u0026lt;  he  >   264.4998779 \u0026lt;/ it>   \u0026lt;  team  >  2010-11-16T03: 47:12 Z  \u0026lt;/ time>   \u0026lt;/ trkpt>   \u0026lt;  trkpt      lat    = "51.4797497"      lon    = "7.9681919"  >   \u0026lt;  he  >   264.9805908 \u0026lt;/ he>   \u0026lt;  time  >  2010-11-16T03: 47:14 Z  \u0026lt;/ time>   \u0026lt;/ trkpt>    first I was a little googling for Converter software, but was not quite find (comic license, no conversion to GML or KML, but only in other formats). But since it is an easy-to-understand XML file, I decided I simply write yourself a function that does the work. And here it is ...   
 or     replace     function     convert_gpx_to_sdo(
p_gpxfile in xmltype,
p_lrs in number default 0
) return sdo_geometry is
v_ordinates sdo_ordinate_array := sdo_ordinate_array();
v_gtype number ;

v_cnt pls_integer := 1 ;

timestamp ;
v_interval interval day ( 9 ) to second ;

c_gpxns varchar2 ( 200 ) := 'xmlns=" "' ;
if p_lrs = 1 then
v_gtype := 3302 ;
v_gtype := 2002 ;
end if ;

for tp in (
(tp), '/trkpt/@lon' , c_gpxns) x,
extractvalue( value (tp), '/trkpt/@lat' , c_gpxns) y,
extractvalue( value (tp), '/trkpt/time' , c_gpxns) m
from table (xmlsequence( extract (p_gpxfile, '//trkpt' , c_gpxns))) tp
) loop
if v_cnt = 1 then
v_startts := to_timestamp (tp.m, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"' );
end if ;
if p_lrs = 1 then
v_ordinates.extend( 3 );
v_ordinates.extend( 2 );
end if ;
v_ordinates(v_cnt) := tp.x;
v_cnt := v_cnt + 1 ;
:= tp.y;
v_cnt := v_cnt + 1 ;
if p_lrs = 1 then
v_interval := to_timestamp (tp.m, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"' ) - v_startts;
v_ordinates(v_cnt) :=
extract ( MINUTE from v_interval) +
extract ( HOUR from v_interval) * 60 +
extract ( SECOND from v_interval) / 60 ;
:= v_cnt + 1 ;
end if ;
end loop ;

return sdo_geometry(v_gtype, 8307 , null , sdo_elem_info_array( 1, 2 , 1) v_ordinates); end convert_gpx_to_sdo; takes / sho err The function of the GPX file ( XMLTYPE ) as the first argument against. The second parameter indicates whether a
Linear Referencing
geometry to be returned. If so, the Measures be stored in minutes. Give here either "1" or "0" an ... One could certainly do more: the GPX files contain a specified amount - so you could build 3D geometry ... Maybe someone this first version of need - have fun with it!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Highest Deposit Rate In Uae


Getting there: Get off at U6 Thalia Street Out of town (toward the sunset) Hasnerstraße along the march up to No. 41 Click to enlarge ...

Meet me there on time shortly before half past three ...

values biscuits!

As announced in the home evening will be held on 20.11. our column action instead. Here is the flyer as an official invitation. Give your home the next evening at the latest decision that you come;)

says anex ...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Digital Playground Clothing

18.11. Home Evening - Home Evening

Our Christmas tree ornaments will leave at the Christmas market like hot biscuits: D

Two doses lights have made it into the final round ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Will Lcd Prices Drop After The Super Bowl


So as the last home evening discussed the material list for the next home evening:
  • glass beads (Mucki)
  • colors for the glass beads (Mucki, Christine)
  • doses (each takes a deep-frozen water ie 1 second empty box filled with water 3 in the freezer fourth box from the freezer and take it home in the evening)
  • a tool to cut out of the can (each)
  • something to decorate the can (each)
  • Tea lights (from home)

to Thursday (: Tina

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chest Infection Harm Pregnancy

Inzersdorf - Lok Traisen 2:2 (1:0)


Empl - Girsch P. - Stöss, Reichl - Luger, Eroglu, Seltenheim, Wagner - Thürauer - Weber, Haider


G. Girsch for impacts (60 min.) Scoop for Haider (70.min) Stöss for Seltenheim

Goals: Thürauer (80 min.) 2 times

Match Report: A strong team from
Inzersdorf could win against the league leaders a point. Captain Thürauer (Lok Traisen) contributed to the scoresheet twice. The referee was weak performance from the perspective of the locomotive Traiser.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Military Emergency Leave

views with SDO_GEOMETRY

For spatial data tables are quite common views generated. Data from different tables are therefore almost as "a table ready. And you may agree with the views that work very well. Just let the views of many GIS tools and the Oracle MapBuilder (the tool for setting up the map definitions for Oracle MAPS) do not use - the choice of dialogue they simply do not show. USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA
that is read by all these tools and usually based on the selection lists.
The solution is simple: The View, as the underlying spatial table published in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA . Take this simple SQL here as a template.
USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA insert into values ('{TABLE / VIEW NAME}', '{} GEOM_COL_NAME' sdo_dim_array (sdo_dim_element ('X', {xmin} {xmax}, {tolerance}), sdo_dim_element ('Y', { can ymin}, {ymax}, {tolerance})) {} SRID) / An index your still does not create - But you need not - the view should now be in your GIS tool or Oracle MapBuilder visible and selectable.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reconsideration Letter In A School

next day of shooting, the 2nd

and action

discussed how the doodle survey on completion of the Schneflittchen-shots: aeqgmctx78a4uzyz

Please enter on when you have time and of course the name. We take the day on which all have time.

I hope we are all said with the necessary seriousness in the matter ... * yelling *

ANEX ...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Big Floating Arm Trebuchet Plans

11.11. HA HA

Good people,

anyone who has been in the last home match good night, white, among others: Because you are not

bath bomb components delivered on time may be, we must consider something else for the Christmas market. Since the last home evening ideas put forward are in solid competition to the kitchen, we need new ideas (it should be implemented in a home evening). If anyone can think of something we like last year to make Kekskrippen.

addition, the design of the blog (design, Profiles ,...) pending. Engerl / Bengerl draw is also on the program and a date for the Christmas market, we should represent us.

says anex ...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Is Mac Safe To Use During Pregnancy

LOK Traisen - Maqui Club 4-0

SR Krickl

up: Empl Girsch P, Lechner, Reichl, Luger, Seltenheim, Eroglu, Thürauer, Wagner, G. Girsch, Haider

change: Weber for Luger, Kienböck for Lechner, Stöss for Wagner, Hinteregger for Weber, creator of Haider

scorers: 1-0 Weber, Haider 2-0, 3-0 Seltenheim, 4 : 0 G Girsch

The locomotive an unchallenged victory celebrated against ambitious, but the offensive team from the Club harmless Maqui. After the first sampling phase, we went to an already repulsed Corner in additional funding in the lead, at the same time the half-time. After the change was very fast the decisive 2-0. A dry Haiser conclusion was a great Assist Gerhard Girsch advance. A hammer of Klaus rare home from 20 yards brought the 3-0. The final chapter Gerhard Girsch started after a swift counterattack. The last few minutes was able to celebrate even Thomas Schöpf be much celebrated his comeback, for the first goal, it just was not enough. In the third half-time the locomotive was once again their qualities. Keep it up guys!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ingrown Hairs Labia White

at 4.11.

Good evening my friends, were unfortunately last
HA not really many people there, including Tina and Simeon is not really there watching is good at, I write to you.
Short overview of recent HA:
We have played and still do not really have any idea how the images are on the lookout of us who come to the blog. But we have ideas.
- Knapp'sche idea drawn biscuits with typical features
- Cami's idea: pictures of us which are biscuits on it as: an image on which you use a biscuit as a surfboard
We have decided it is best if any self decides what he or she prefers.
to why you all on Thursday (e) Lieblingskeks (s) (either edible or digital form) and take his photo-fit.
Knapp: please take your draft or drafts with the

I hope that I could forget
Until Thursday,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Identifaction Marks Of China/ Two Arrows Crossing

blog design

Hey guys,
for some reason I do not always activate the old design (although I had not saved my changes)
However, at the time so my design proposal on the Internet, I hope it does not interfere too much meets all
Lg Cami

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cad Drawing For Beer Keg

Hey upper Meidlinger

C to A and E on x. .. Where you ask? On Thursday ...
One of my many sources say it is sweet. Do not believe me? Check it out yourself to. A happy, the bread has 01 sent us the first photo clippings as evidence ...
Do not forget to your designs, the photos, itest BISCUITS it and you of course as always, the cameras are waiting. Insiders say Cami would leave with their flash. Whether this is true? I would say that but see for yourself on Thursday at 18:30
One thing is sure it is sweet and exciting.

XOXO Gossip
your cookie

(Okay that was left a bit of influence ^ ^)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dresses 50 Dollars Or Under

Lok Traisen - HC tornadoes Neidling 7:1 (2:0)


Empl - Girsch P. - Lechner, Stöss - Luger, Eroglu, Seltenheim, Reichl, Wagner - Haider, Weber

change: Kienböck for Lechner, Lechner for collisions, Hinton for Weber

Goals : 3x Haider, Weber, Luger, Eroglu, P. Girsch or Palmetzberger

was the second consecutive game without captain Thürauer receive Neidling in Prinzersdorf.
was already in the initial phase of the Lok good chances and was able to make rapid Haider 1-0. Thereafter, a further high-profile chances to score awarded and thereby improving Neidling came into play. Scoring chances for opponents but remained largely out. would have put in a situation as Neidling the game under control, beat Michi Weber to brasillianisch. He gaberlt twice the fruit inside the penalty area to make it wet and then arc lamp by the goalkeeper - title world class.
This was also the break state.
After the break, the Lok active again and was able to achieve more goals. Also worth mentioning is the pseudo hat-trick by striker talent Haider, who has now overcome his final serious injury. After a Duzendfoul
had to Klaus Seltenheim the Neidlinger still a man and pretend play with 10 players, the match ended. Thus, the uncertainties were in the back line Neidlinger strengthened. Nevertheless, the honor was connected by a curious shot.
Man of the Match was again:
Werner Stöss
back he could win every battle and bring forward the opponents repeatedly embarrassed his elan full game. Clever passes in the sectional area of the formations garnished his perfect appearance. Keep it up!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maruti Wagan R Indicators

home on Thursday evening

my greetings!

tomorrow Take all your extra pair of clean socks, because we play the game and socks after our thoughts to make biscuits. Among other bezgl of the blog. Had

You probably


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Much Is A Dye At Jc

Our Blog?

How is the present eig who makes the blog and how we decide what is done? Simply does what and what each of the Earth has to do with us?

Tina (:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Loreal Conditioning Mascara

Digression: "Mäcki oida"

the occasion of today as numerous popular fast food home the evening of the 45's (Cami and Alex were available with) exclusively available to all interested biscuits a look behind the scenes, depending on mood.

text: http:/ /
images (the text): / sallydavies/sets/72157624739645253 /

meal, says the anex

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Maruti Wagan R Oli Indicators

21.10. Home

love cookies,

Those of you who still have their master data sheets at home, are hereby asked to take her home in the evening on Thursday.


matter: We

as already announced to play the game socks. That is, each of you must bring a pair of socks (not the ones you already anhabt). The socks should be allowed to destroy, but which is not necessarily happen;)

says anex

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Cook Italian Sausage Boil

INSIDE, TOUCH ... or does it differently

How can I find really, definden topological relationship, in which two objects to each other? The function
in the package


supplies as a result the positional relationship between two objects. c2.feature_name, sdo_geom.relate (c2.geometry, 'Determine' - masking parameters c1.geometry, 0.05) select from topo_rel m_admin_area1 c1, c2 m_admin_area1 where c1.feature_name = 'GERMANY'; The value
 determined for the masking parameters while those spatial relationship between two objects, which correspond to reality at the most. 
In the case of the above query is determined by the free sample data sets provided , the function returns TRUE for all spatial relations that are unequal



Friday, October 15, 2010

Sample Proposal For Tv Programme

evening the 45 throw chicken fillets ...

Here is the official invitation from the 45s to the common feast, unabashed, uncensored:

"As the phone announced here the info for our fast food at home tonight:

So we would do us on Monday at 19:00 at home in our meeting

the kids want to ride in the Millennium City, a kfc are also on the main shopping street.
Where do we go then we will decide on Monday spontaneously.

lives, the whole non longer than a normal home night which ends 20_30 very latest 20:45. "

In this sense, do not forget Trenzpaterl and spending.

says anex ...

oh wers not reading, of course, knows nothing about it;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Best Mid Range Speakers 2009

... changing diapers, warming bottles, ...

Sun, and his punishment is the full thing now, baby blue and baby pink! So what have all of it! And of these caustic color schemes I have plenty in stock ... For each week until you get one up once your little ass and take your biscuit life into your own hands!

Conversor Firewire Ethernet


What is a biscuit under a tree?

- a shady spot

Can You Get Rid Of Foundation Stains

SQL Developer 3.0 is out: with spatial support!

Since 13 October, the Early Adopter
is out. The special part is that now support for Spatial's inside: out-of-the-box without GeoRaptor . Here is a screenshot. Your very much that there now exists a map view of spatial data and that are offered at a table (on the entry premises in the context menu) Spatial-related operations.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toe Inflammation After Pedicure


All hail me, oh values biscuits

we will order on Thursday, the bath bomb material, and shall give their Mucki netbook. We also watch the film that we at Sola have turned.
- Fischilein can you take the movie on USB stick?
- If you want to snack, goes shopping please.

- the buns is willing, in the autumn due to the flu season. It will be fascinating.

had you well,


Friday, October 8, 2010

Runescape Ubuntu Mining Bot

... in silent mourning

... there is such a cool word up here .... because it is written, if you type a post .... Design ..... oh how it smiles at me .... you go not ...." " screams ....." edit me !".... so many ways .... but no one takes the biscuit ..... is the "style factor" suddenly does not matter ....
... and in our own blog ...
... that can not be true ...
... or about but ...
... horror ...
... silence ...
... sadness ....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Much Are Topsy Turvy Wedding Cake


such dear biscuits
here the sites where there is anything around bath bombs and bath pralines:

1) The idea of the things I was at the origin at a workshop, the two exact recipes come from this Blog - Check it out, then you get an idea of how the final product may look like, what can you use for colors and fragrances and some nice packaging ideas are also there!

2) Here is a page on almost anything to get what you make of the fragrant low-calorie chocolate (or bath bombs) need. Especially the soap forms (Milky Way I + II, silicone molds, and the Mini Moulds) are of interest to you. Furthermore, there is also the cocoa butter to buy - either normal to € 8.50 per 500g or organic (from kontorlliert organic) to € 9.00 per 500g.
I do not know if you guys unfortunately this is important, organic and all, but I think it is worth considering - you decide!

3) Here the page on which we will probably order the colors and scents.
All scolds himself "perfume oil" (and apparently smells of coconut on hazelnut after all, to new car ...). The available colors can be found under the heading "pigments and colors" - "soap pigments" .

So, that was all! I assume that hot 3 people will lead this post to heart (the Alex - the eh And looking every day at least 1 times the Mucki -! Which itself is type out a post and a stray who wants to know when and where the next Home evening - my advice: Simeon) on the pages will not look at this 3 because two of you have stress at school and the third grade did not want!
But it does not, you are still my favorite cookies!

nice weekend!


... if the blog is now well-monitored by the CIA, because I've reingetippt bomb?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Congratulations On Their Wedding In Spanish

Red Star Copper Brunn - Lokomotiv 2:8 Traisen

list Lok Empl; Girsch P, Lechner, Stöss; Eroglu, Luger, Girsch G., Reichl, Wagner, Weber, Haider

Exchange : Kienböck R. Lechner for 50 ', Hinteregger for Weber 55', Wagner Weber for 65 ', Lechner for Stöss 75'

scorers: G. Girsch 0:1, 0:2 Girsch P. (p), Weber 0-3, 0-4 Girsch G., Weber 0-5, 0-6 Weber, Luger 0:7, 1:7 Obergruber, Haider 1:8, 2:8 Hochstöger

game :
On Saturday's it so far, the locomotive Traisen was a guest at the Red Star League newcomer copper fountain. Apart from the fact that 1.5 years ago a test match was aligned with one another, the Lok Traisen no information was present on the strength of the copper Brunner. Then there was that one had to arrive spare weakened because playmaker and scorer Thürauer Kothmeier are out through injury. After the two players are absolutely key to us, we will look to us not quite sure how our appearance.
In retrospect one can say that we were able to compensate for the loss quite well. But first things first.
When autumn weather, the game was to 16 Clock by referee Mischa beetle kicked off.
The game requires no startup time, it was actually going on at once. The locomotive Traisen naturally wanted the newcomer immediately show which team title ambitions and has tried from the beginning to the hilt in your hand to. After that day was the god of football a heart for the railway workers, could already be translated into the first attack to score. Substitute playmaker Girsch brought the locomotive in the lead. In this fashion she went on, it was offensive to attack. A few minutes later the score from the perspective of the locomotive to be increased to 2:0. As in the 12th Minute, the 3-0 has fallen, the fans that already skanierten "Gerersdorf must Valencia are "In allusion to the 9 goals a team once received in Valencia.
copper Brunn were and above all their players visibly shocked by this initial momentum of the locomotive and has order lost in the game fairly. It was too far from the opponent removed, had problems with the room layout and could thus not actually be really dangerous. After 20-25. minutes was the first attack vortex of the Lok somewhat flattened, the game became more balanced.
expressed in the final phase of the first half of the locomotive Traisen again could increase the pace and was on a total of 5-0.
With the first half, of course you are satisfied, including new signing Lechner could fit very well and put accents.
With an unchanged squad the second half was tackled. And the game should not change great. On Saturday again outstanding Michael Weber rose to 6-0 and achieved his first (fake) hat trick of his life. He had done his duty and was replaced by striker Hinteregger. Shortly before the 70th Martin Luger minute you could also write the first time this season.
Then there were further changes, Libero Girsch moved up into midfield, wing virtuoso Wagner - who acted a little hüftsteif on Saturday was allowed to go to roar, it was novel, "Rolex" Kienböck his season debut party. Unfortunately, to celebrate not gabs a lot, because obviously wanted to achieve each locomotive players have to score and we shall have forgotten the collective defensive work. The result was that the copper Brunner could get their consolation goal.
be said conclude, that the copper Brunner certainly had to pay dues, but also by the particular game play is anything but happy acted. You will learn that is played in the amateur league with more physical effort and so beautiful it is to play against a team such fair, so sure I am that they will increase in this regard soon (have to).
for our own troops threw a beautiful Trip to the Prinzersdorf suburb, you could achieve some goals and earn self-confidence. The result should not be overstated because the copper Brunner are certainly still far away from the zenith.
We feel well prepared for the other tasks in the amateur league.
Man of the Match in Gerersdorf: Werner Stöss - once again he was able to communicate regularly with his powerful thrusts and well-timed passes, the defense under pressure and lead the team forward. Remarkable how well he makes the defensive play and offensive game with a hat. One can say confidently that it acts in the form of his life. This will be the next opponent definitely also get to feel.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day Care Price In Miami

Digression: One of the events in Stuttgart at the 30th September 2010

In my home town is now so a degree of chaos, and the success of the escalation of violence in the palace garden on Thursday I have a bad feeling where this will lead us still. Therefore, I have written a letter to the editor, and because that is probably not printed before, I decided it in my blog make.

To make it short, I am a supporter of the railway project S21. However, I can what happened yesterday in the castle garden is not hot to be good. Both the state power, which I believe has acted unreasonably against demonstrators, as well as the leaders of popular movements against S21 yesterday to this painful Height of the violence escalation contributed. This is excusable in any way and should lead to a rethink!

We, the citizens of Stuttgart and the region, we should no longer be exploited by the various stakeholders and policy makers from the protest movement. In the end it is us who must live in this city who live sensibly with our fellow men and who are directly affected by this escalation and its consequences.

me it seems as if we became citizens at the mercy of interest groups, no more than pawns in a mad game of chess in which the politicians of any color only about their own power is that it either to defend or to obtain valid. The leaders of civic movements follow their own interests, won playing with their power over people. In part, I think in irresponsible transparent manner. must

But do we citizens of this city and live in the future will be staying in Stuttgart and the surrounding areas and we will get along with each other must be, we look into the eyes and so, the previous day as an opportunity to take a deep breath and to bring our minds back to the basic values of our society. We should listen to us, even when the other is not in our opinion, the only way to refer to positions in the Get a grip.

We should not wait to give politicians such as undersecretary, Kretschmann or skirt belly hand that Stocker, Sittler and Hermann sit at a table with those for and acknowledge the differences in the way! Then we can wait for long, because they all benefit from the current situation in any way, or take advantage of them can hope for! If we, the citizens of Stuttgart, we do not shake hands, it will do none.

Let us not wait for politicians, let us go forward to the 30th September 2010 not as a black day in the history of this city received, but has a turning point in which the people took the issue of action and reason in their own hands.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Best Way To Remove Fat From Sausage

APEX and the question: Where have remained my metadata?

Anyone who has ever created a small or large APEX Geo-application, described in the following situation may have experienced before. Each table with an SDO_GEOMETRY column requires a registration in the SDO metadata of the Oracle database. This is an insert in the user-oriented view USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA and can look like this:

table_name, column_name
values (
sdo_dim_array (sdo_dim_element ('X', -180,180,0.005)
sdo_dim_element ('Y', -90,90,0.005)),
8307 );

Expanding an application in APEX and used for registering the SDO_GEOMETRY column in the metadata of the SQL Workshop and then as far as running without problems.

A short

SQL> select * from USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA where table_name = 'GEOTAB';

returns no results.

 What happened? Where the entry remains in the metadata? 
With DBA rights, it is easy to search in the table of the user MDSYS.

SQL> select * from mdsys.sdo_geom_metadata_table;

There is in the column SDO_OWNER then find instead of the expected user (in this example SPATIAL) according to the Web listener used by APEX to either ANONYMOUS, APEX_PUBLIC_USER or HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER. This is the username of the APEX session, then in the scheme also SDO_GEOMETRY the metadata is registered.
How can this be cleaned up now?
 Ask your DBA to your users UPDATE privileges for the table MDSYS SDO_GEOM_METADATA_TABLE blame. 

SQL> grant update on mdsys.sdo_geom_metadata_table;

SDO_OWNER Then change the entry as follows:

set sdo_owner = 'SPATIAL'
where sdo_table_name = ' GEOTAB 'and sdo_owner =' ANONYMOUS ';
 if you check the metadata should now all be alright. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Where I Can Catch Pikachu

Stössing - Lok Lok Traisen


Empel - Girsch Peter - Reichl, Kienböck - Eroglu, Seltenheim - Luger, Wagner - Thürauer - Weber, Haider

change: 45 Min Stöss for Luger
Goal: Weber (about 65.Min)

After a waiting game could take three points against a very defensive-oriented opponents. The game was on the whole very fair and was led by referee Frühwirth quite well.

The performance of the locomotive Traisen was average, Michael Weber has earned his goal. You have to be satisfied when a Stiegerung will be necessary. Before all runners and severally from the tackle is room for improvement exists.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Buy Mod For Mount And Lade


We go on Thursday, 30.09. Wienerberg Running eat sushi and meet at 18:30 outside the restaurant.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brzydula Odcinki Onbline

Gauss-Krüger or not EPSG EPSG: That is the question!

Oracle10g Release 2 has been supporting the Oracle database system for the EPSG coordinate system. The projection
as "traditional" Oracle SRID 82 027
  • the EPSG-code standard as 31 467
  • SQL> select srid, cs_name from cs_srs where srid in (31 467, 82 027) ---------- ------------------------------ SRID CS_NAME ---------- 31 467 DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 3 82 027 GK Zone 3 (DHDN)
  • One might get the idea that there is now no matter what code you use. But it is not, unfortunately. Between the standard system to EPSG
 31 467 and the "Oracle Version", there are differences ... and I want to work in this blog posting. 
First, I suppose the coordinate of Oracle in Munich (with the Oracle Geocoder, of course) and counting after the EPSG: at 31467th select sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 8307, sdo_point_type (11.536734, 48.1800773, null), null, null), 31 467) transformed from dual; TRANSFORMED ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL)
This is absolutely the correct coordinates in the coordinate system EPSG: 31467th But one might get the idea, save it with the ID 82 027
 in the database ... if it's the same coordinate system, that would matter ... 
So we expect the returns to WGS84 coordinates and once with the SRID 31 467 and once with 82027th select sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467
, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 8307) transformed from dual; TRANSFORMED -------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 8307, SDO_POINT_TYPE (11.5367341, 48.1800773, NULL), NULL, NULL) select sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 82 027
, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 8307) from dual ; TRANSFORMED ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 8307, SDO_POINT_TYPE (11.5391267, 48, 180 154, NULL), NULL, NULL)   And you see that it is not the same. If one compares the  Well Known Text , can be noted that there are some differences in the parameters. The difference lies in the range of about 100 to 200 meters. 
select sdo_geom.sdo_distance (sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 8307), sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 82 027, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL ), NULL, NULL), 8307), 1) distance from dual; DISTANCE ------------- 178.128988
And what does this mean? Zuerstmal no problem!
 It has to be when you GK3 coordinates loads (for example, from shape files) into the database, note only. If one looking at the data discrepancies in the clear from the 100 to 200 meters, you should try the other GK3-SRID. In most cases, is one with the newer EPSG number 
31 467
correctly. But I've also seen cases in which 82 027 had to be taken. Extrapolating to a geometry of 82 027 31 467
to come (consistently) out and not have the same coordinates. SQL> select sdo_cs.transform (2 SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 82 027, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 3 31 467 4) TRANSFORMED from dual; TRANSFORMED ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688892.31, 5341139.61, NULL); NULL, NULL) For the other common in Germany, Gauss-Krüger projection is the same way.
 SQL> select srid, cs_name from cs_srs where srid in (31 466, 82 015); CS_NAME SRID ---------- ------------------- --------------------- 31 466 DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 2 82 015 GK Zone 2 (DHDN) SQL> select srid, cs_name from cs_srs where srid in (31 468, 82 032), SRID CS_NAME ---------- ----------------------------------- 31 468 ----- DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 4 82 032 GK Zone 4 (DHDN) 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Salieri Novità Streaming

Oracle Partner CISS TDI Expands CITRA interface range

The Oracle Partner The interface includes
a configuration for the Oracle Network Data Model and
a very well designed map in Oracle Spatial for use in Oracle Fusion Middleware MapViewer
  • This interface creates CISS TDI the possibility OpenStreetMap data natively with Oracle to use Spatial.
More information can be found here

Toe Red Painful After Pedicure

SDO_GEOMETRY Viewer for Oracle SQL Developer

for the free database development and administration tool
there is an extension that stored as SDO_GEOMETRY can deal with 2-dimensional geometry data. The so-called GeoRaptor
is an open-source project on . set addition to the actual "features" such as
context menu for tables with SDO_GEOMETRY column

viewer with the typical functions, such as zoom, Rectangle zoom, pan, copy, and the possibility that signatures of the selected geometries
  • SQL code snippets
  • can click on the project pages
also equal
new Features
And how does the viewer in action?

Note: For the display used data from the freely available for Oracle data set of NAVTEQ. This is available at Oracle Spatial Partners' Data .