Tuesday, April 8, 2008

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Task I - character development / "character design"

(Picture: Example of figure search)


1) research :

to find information, images, templates

2) studies to figure:

as exploring the anatomy of different ages and types

face studies, facial expressions, different characters

different postures and gestures

3) scribbles, ideas to own figure , types and try to develop

4) Sketches of the relevant Character

body and facial proportions and clothing set

creation of a " Model Sheet "

face and body in different views (profile, Half-profile, front ...)

figure in motion and interaction are distinguished, if necessary, color

5) storyboard

Application: action figure in

installation of scenery and action figures in

(create a short storyboard with at least two of your designed pieces!)


1) child , modern clothes, about 5 years

2) cat or dog use as children's books, comics, advertising

use as children's books, comics, animation

3) Historical figure , application as comic, teen books, children's book, film

4) Construct a short storyboard that occur in the at least two of your characters!

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launch event:

About the character development (Character design)

task 1) character development : Generating various Model Sheets,

1a) child


task 1b) dog and cat

Digression: Concept Art and research, self-marketing

(05.04. Easter Monday)


task 1c) Historical figure, task 1d) storyboard

(19.04 falls out.!)

26th 04.

Aufabenstellung 2) Editorial Illustration , meeting of the newspaper article,

Digression: perspective


discussion of ideas, sketches / scribbles

Digression: color

(10.05 falls out.! Session exams)


discussion of the editorial artwork and designs

Digression: composition

Task 3) book cover design

( 24.05. Whit Monday)


correction and choice of three cover color sketches and the U4-draft

Digression: illustration styles


presentation of the cover artwork,

Task 4) tangible illustration : own choice of topic

talk: vs. Digital Illustration. traditional techniques

14.06. meeting of the sketches

Digression: Children's Books .

21.06. Final correction, documentation

Exkurs: Selbständigkeit, Honorare, Buchführung.

(28.06. fällt aus!)

05.07. or 09.07. module / subject examinations: projector presentation of the PDF documentation

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Possible applications of illustration

first Narrative Illustration / Fiction
second Explanatory illustration / Illustration Subject / Non-Fiction
third Commenting Illustration / Editorial Illustration
4th Application deadline Illustration / Advertising

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course description

1) Degree: Illustration course, main course.
2) Bachelorestudiengang: Introduction to project work (3rd semester).

The Making of course is a brief introduction to selected areas of application of the illustration. It consists of both theoretical excursions to the areas of composition, perspective and color as well as practical exercises and project work on various applications of the illustration.

aim of the course is not primarily the completed project with finished artwork, but rather the way there. It concerns include research, brainstorming, design, storyboard, Composition and character.

These aspects will be tested on the four different tasks in the field of magazine illustration, book covers, non-fiction and character development and discussed in plenary.

The course can be completed with an exam or a test module, the working results will be summarized and presented in a PDF documentation.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Wal Mart Fake Earrings