Tuesday, April 8, 2008

When Will Chevrolet Change Tahoe

course description

1) Degree: Illustration course, main course.
2) Bachelorestudiengang: Introduction to project work (3rd semester).

The Making of course is a brief introduction to selected areas of application of the illustration. It consists of both theoretical excursions to the areas of composition, perspective and color as well as practical exercises and project work on various applications of the illustration.

aim of the course is not primarily the completed project with finished artwork, but rather the way there. It concerns include research, brainstorming, design, storyboard, Composition and character.

These aspects will be tested on the four different tasks in the field of magazine illustration, book covers, non-fiction and character development and discussed in plenary.

The course can be completed with an exam or a test module, the working results will be summarized and presented in a PDF documentation.


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