Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Best Way To Remove Fat From Sausage

APEX and the question: Where have remained my metadata?

Anyone who has ever created a small or large APEX Geo-application, described in the following situation may have experienced before. Each table with an SDO_GEOMETRY column requires a registration in the SDO metadata of the Oracle database. This is an insert in the user-oriented view USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA and can look like this:

table_name, column_name
values (
sdo_dim_array (sdo_dim_element ('X', -180,180,0.005)
sdo_dim_element ('Y', -90,90,0.005)),
8307 );

Expanding an application in APEX and used for registering the SDO_GEOMETRY column in the metadata of the SQL Workshop and then as far as running without problems.

A short

SQL> select * from USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA where table_name = 'GEOTAB';

returns no results.

 What happened? Where the entry remains in the metadata? 
With DBA rights, it is easy to search in the table of the user MDSYS.

SQL> select * from mdsys.sdo_geom_metadata_table;

There is in the column SDO_OWNER then find instead of the expected user (in this example SPATIAL) according to the Web listener used by APEX to either ANONYMOUS, APEX_PUBLIC_USER or HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER. This is the username of the APEX session, then in the scheme also SDO_GEOMETRY the metadata is registered.
How can this be cleaned up now?
 Ask your DBA to your users UPDATE privileges for the table MDSYS SDO_GEOM_METADATA_TABLE blame. 

SQL> grant update on mdsys.sdo_geom_metadata_table;

SDO_OWNER Then change the entry as follows:

set sdo_owner = 'SPATIAL'
where sdo_table_name = ' GEOTAB 'and sdo_owner =' ANONYMOUS ';
 if you check the metadata should now all be alright. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Where I Can Catch Pikachu

Stössing - Lok Lok Traisen


Empel - Girsch Peter - Reichl, Kienböck - Eroglu, Seltenheim - Luger, Wagner - Thürauer - Weber, Haider

change: 45 Min Stöss for Luger
Goal: Weber (about 65.Min)

After a waiting game could take three points against a very defensive-oriented opponents. The game was on the whole very fair and was led by referee Frühwirth quite well.

The performance of the locomotive Traisen was average, Michael Weber has earned his goal. You have to be satisfied when a Stiegerung will be necessary. Before all runners and severally from the tackle is room for improvement exists.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Buy Mod For Mount And Lade


We go on Thursday, 30.09. Wienerberg Running eat sushi and meet at 18:30 outside the restaurant.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brzydula Odcinki Onbline

Gauss-Krüger or not EPSG EPSG: That is the question!

Oracle10g Release 2 has been supporting the Oracle database system for the EPSG coordinate system. The projection
as "traditional" Oracle SRID 82 027
  • the EPSG-code standard as 31 467
  • SQL> select srid, cs_name from cs_srs where srid in (31 467, 82 027) ---------- ------------------------------ SRID CS_NAME ---------- 31 467 DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 3 82 027 GK Zone 3 (DHDN)
  • One might get the idea that there is now no matter what code you use. But it is not, unfortunately. Between the standard system to EPSG
 31 467 and the "Oracle Version", there are differences ... and I want to work in this blog posting. 
First, I suppose the coordinate of Oracle in Munich (with the Oracle Geocoder, of course) and counting after the EPSG: at 31467th select sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 8307, sdo_point_type (11.536734, 48.1800773, null), null, null), 31 467) transformed from dual; TRANSFORMED ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL)
This is absolutely the correct coordinates in the coordinate system EPSG: 31467th But one might get the idea, save it with the ID 82 027
 in the database ... if it's the same coordinate system, that would matter ... 
So we expect the returns to WGS84 coordinates and once with the SRID 31 467 and once with 82027th select sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467
, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 8307) transformed from dual; TRANSFORMED -------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 8307, SDO_POINT_TYPE (11.5367341, 48.1800773, NULL), NULL, NULL) select sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 82 027
, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 8307) from dual ; TRANSFORMED ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 8307, SDO_POINT_TYPE (11.5391267, 48, 180 154, NULL), NULL, NULL)   And you see that it is not the same. If one compares the  Well Known Text , can be noted that there are some differences in the parameters. The difference lies in the range of about 100 to 200 meters. 
select sdo_geom.sdo_distance (sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 8307), sdo_cs.transform (SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 82 027, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL ), NULL, NULL), 8307), 1) distance from dual; DISTANCE ------------- 178.128988
And what does this mean? Zuerstmal no problem!
 It has to be when you GK3 coordinates loads (for example, from shape files) into the database, note only. If one looking at the data discrepancies in the clear from the 100 to 200 meters, you should try the other GK3-SRID. In most cases, is one with the newer EPSG number 
31 467
correctly. But I've also seen cases in which 82 027 had to be taken. Extrapolating to a geometry of 82 027 31 467
to come (consistently) out and not have the same coordinates. SQL> select sdo_cs.transform (2 SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 82 027, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688714.69, 5341125.2, NULL), NULL, NULL), 3 31 467 4) TRANSFORMED from dual; TRANSFORMED ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, 31 467, SDO_POINT_TYPE (3688892.31, 5341139.61, NULL); NULL, NULL) For the other common in Germany, Gauss-Krüger projection is the same way.
 SQL> select srid, cs_name from cs_srs where srid in (31 466, 82 015); CS_NAME SRID ---------- ------------------- --------------------- 31 466 DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 2 82 015 GK Zone 2 (DHDN) SQL> select srid, cs_name from cs_srs where srid in (31 468, 82 032), SRID CS_NAME ---------- ----------------------------------- 31 468 ----- DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 4 82 032 GK Zone 4 (DHDN) 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Salieri Novità Streaming

Oracle Partner CISS TDI Expands CITRA interface range

The Oracle Partner The interface includes
a configuration for the Oracle Network Data Model and
a very well designed map in Oracle Spatial for use in Oracle Fusion Middleware MapViewer
  • This interface creates CISS TDI the possibility OpenStreetMap data natively with Oracle to use Spatial.
More information can be found here

Toe Red Painful After Pedicure

SDO_GEOMETRY Viewer for Oracle SQL Developer

for the free database development and administration tool
there is an extension that stored as SDO_GEOMETRY can deal with 2-dimensional geometry data. The so-called GeoRaptor
is an open-source project on . set addition to the actual "features" such as
context menu for tables with SDO_GEOMETRY column

viewer with the typical functions, such as zoom, Rectangle zoom, pan, copy, and the possibility that signatures of the selected geometries
  • SQL code snippets
  • can click on the project pages
also equal
new Features
And how does the viewer in action?

Note: For the display used data from the freely available for Oracle data set of NAVTEQ. This is available at Oracle Spatial Partners' Data .

Monday, September 13, 2010

Female Nipple Piercing Movie

Oracle OpenWorld 2010 this week

From 19-23. September in San Francisco Oracle OpenWorld 2010.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Replacing Pressure Cooker Safety Valve

Traisen vs. FC Union

12.9. The season opener brought Lok Traisen the derby against FC Union. Reason enough that the entire squad of the locomotive should deploy closed. But what happened at the only team in the league that do not regularly train together? There are present all the 11 players, one less than the common warm-up for the season two weeks earlier! This is all wrong. For all young splashed in the locomotive force, therefore, a historical digression: FC Union emerged from the team FC Ochsenburg that was just as the founding member of the Lok Hobby League and is the arch rival par excellence. Those who miss the is identified, a Medical Services shall provide confirmation.

work without changing the locomotive players in the game, but did not exercise restraint. Fast is clear where the ball is rolling: towards goal from FC Union. But a lost other times it falls to zero. The engine is superior to pushing play, pleasing to 20 meters before the goal, but the last pass, perplexity is spreading. Where the marble to create a scoring chance? FC Union makes it quite cleverly, is the Mittelfed to completely mixed concrete in the penalty area and looks forward to a Lucky Punch. That may not succeed, the safe-Lok defense will be counted high. In this composition for the first time on the field, give Girsch jun. Luger and MC Jo Reichl a flawless performance. A scary moment for the team, a wake up call for the player: A. Eroglu to bend, at first, everything points to an injury, but the 6 short of the locomotive shake the ankle and plays stronger than before.
just before half time leaving the offensive finally get their business card in your opponent's goal. After a lovely combination is M. Weber, the leather binds half left in the penalty area on his foot, two defenders, played towards the middle and three stations and award two scoring opportunities later Thürauer sunk in the fall the fruit in the box. A release.

can in half Two FC Union the game initially more open. A promising free-kick from half way to the right leads to the same destination. The kick is pushed as an unpleasant Aufsitzer on goal, goalkeeper Empel O. gets the ball does not hold them, because no Lok player plays the sweeper, FC Union takes the gift with thanks and dusted off at 1-1. Very annoying that the enemy knows the weaknesses of the Lok better than the locomotive itself. In this respect, the game play with right on its head.

pulls Not at all shocked but now the locomotive back on the one-way street football of the first half. The moral right. The downer here is that the right winger orphaned in the attack roll. Girsch G. strives to be fair, is But all too often overlooked or played imprecise. That needs to be improved.
After a corner of Seltenheim K. Then the second part of salvation. R. Thürauer is lonely and alone at the far post, can not duck in time, the skin of his star bounces into the goal, 2-1.

crowned with a 3-1 S. Haider his strong performance after a long injury break. Seltenheim K. sends a 40-yard pass the ball to the airy journey, the erupting Haider would be processed the bullet as it is a helium balloon, it lupft with right very gently over the defender and includes dry with links. What a goal! The flight anxious Dennis Bergkamp against Argentina, formerly has not fulminant made.

So beautiful this gate, so ugly the action shortly before it. FC Union-breaker Lammerhuber G. fritters away on the left flank of the ball, Wagner C. is the ball conquest sure, but it is so surprising and violently Summer J. herpaniert that in his right ribs and knees, the blood suddenly the physical state of liquid to solid changes. The Blutergüssse will have been washed in the next few days really. According to information from the medical department of the locomotive is blunzen the knee a few hours after the match. More than annoying: Wagner is organized by opponents that he would have been spared before. The rude Wagner thanked still does not. The longer sentences follows prompt: Wagner, unable to run away, you must listen to at close to the bank Verbaldiarröh oppressive health insurance employee FC Union. Although it takes on not one minute, but the Pappalatur runs in a tour. The fact that the opponent is more reviled than his own team, is logical. However, if the violation of a locomotive player is gaining new, that's first warm exaggerated (Wagner was already violated) and, secondly, the fun stop there anyway. Perhaps the health insurance to their employees certainly provide an appropriate treatment.

represents the final score of 4:1 ago Haider S.. It has looked hard for offside, whether the slept defense of the opponent or the referee, you do not know.

Overall a good start for Lok Traisen. Only the Executive dünnne ceiling gives food for thought.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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Youtube Vacationer - Social Media Video Channel for travelers

Youtube and Nowergian Cruise Lines (NCL) on Wednesday called Youtube Vacationer already announced the here is found. Vacationer youtube video should be a channel that is specific to the planning of trips and the users with how-to's and tips provided.
Currently the home page videos Lonely Planet , National Geographic and the Travel Channel . Offered both trivial content such as instructions on how to best do not look like tourist, applied to very useful explanations how to get a passport. And of course all sorts of interesting videos to come across different destinations.

The site offers articles in a way the pre-selection of individual tourism regions. So here are the Caribbean / Bahamas, the U.S. and Canada, Europe and the exotic to choose from. Also, the partners of the project Vacationer NCL has its own tab so diligently and must advertise its offering of so-called Freestyle Cruising.
goal of the page should it be so, on the extensive array of video content on travel to better find and thus to give users the opportunity to find targeted at different destinations and thus their travel even better plan and to incorporate also tips and suggestions that others have seen enthusiastic users of Youtube before them.
is particularly valuable, especially the Youtube Vacationer currently set by the content of the three specialists to Lonely Planet, National Geographic and Travel Channel. But since the launch was the first Vacationers on Wednesday is to be expected that this will occur in the future a good platform for travelers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Diagram For X Wing Star Wars Pinewood Derby Car

De-aggregate composite geometries

from a composite geometry (multi-polygon, several elements, optionally also contains sub-elements / rings) can use the function EXTRACT individual elements are extracted.

This function for 2D vector data, as well as analog EXTRACT3D for 3D vector data, is in PL / SQL package SDO_UTIL available. The latter function, however, it is only since the DB version 11.1 in the package. The format is briefly described as follows:

sdo_util.extract (

element geometry IN SDO_GEOMETRY,
ring IN NUMBER default 0
) return SDO_GEOMETRY; - 2D
And how are specifically ? Where is the Multipolgyon "Brandenburg" (SDO_GTYPE = 2007) from the World Sample NAVTEQ Data Bundle


- Extraction of Element 1, Ring 1 SQL> select sdo_util.extract (geometry, 1, 1) from where m_admin_area2 feature_name = 'Brandenburg';

- Result of the outer ring of Brandenburg
- Extraction of Element 1, Ring 2
SQL> select sdo_util.extract (geometry, 1, 2) from where m_admin_area2 feature_name = 'Brandenburg';

- Result of the inner ring of Brandenburg, while the administrative border of the State of Berlin
- Extraction of Element 2, Ring 2
SQL> select sdo_util.extract (geometry, 2, 1) from where m_admin_area2 feature_name = 'Brandenburg';

- result here is a small enclave in Brandenburg Saxony-Anhalt
More information can be found naturally in the online documentation on OTN ( # sthref1955

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Enter A Cheat In Vba For Pokemon Ruby

Germany raised now an airline ticket tax

Germany introduced the taxation of airline tickets. From the perspective of sustainable tourism, this appears to be at first glance a meaningful story, but how much sustainability is to bring this tax?

The new air traffic control, according to the distance of the destination staggered. That is, the further one moves away from Germany, the higher the tax. To make it possible to make simple, one has at the Government agreed that there are three tax rates. Short distance to be 2500 km is in the future with 8 € taxes. 6000km proposes to you 25 € on the ticket price up and over 6000km 45 € due. The tax applies only to flights starting in Germany and not on flights to Germany from abroad. Also, the entire air cargo traffic is exempt from taxation!

Now I sit down with a yes this blog for a sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism, and I see a tax on air travel quite as useful and necessary to, but with the implementation of the federal government, I can not agree.

Why is taxed, for example, not even the freight traffic?
If you have fear of competitive disadvantage or was the pressure the lobby groups in this area is too large? Or freight transport is more environmentally and climate-damaging as passenger traffic?

If the ultimate goal or the first stop abroad as a basis of taxation taken away?
I pay in the future when I am with Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines fly non-stop to Singapore € 45 and if I fly with Emirates via Dubai to the same destination only 25 € taxes? This will not appear on the bill, would be complete nonsense, a plane used up in the start, yes the most fuel and thus is an intermediate stop in almost all cases, a detour burns more fuel. Such a flight would have to be taxed higher.

Why is taxed at all the tickets, not the kerosene?
The direct taxation of kerosene would reach that airlines would focus even more on modernizing their fleets and provide them with the most efficient engines. So you would have a controlling effect. This would affect all aircraft movements, but also fly all aircraft with kerosene. Of course, such a tax would be imposed, but at least across the EU as a major part of air transport in Europe stop at national borders, this would be at least a reasonable approach.

All in all, the federal government has thus invented and introduced a new tax, which is in my view have no positive effect on the climate control. It has been introduced to plug the holes in the federal budget. The law has to technical mistakes, and preferably the air cargo industry massively. There were no signs of climate change, here is no sustainability to be achieved.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Open Basketball Courts In Marlboro Nj

It starts!

On this blog we will post future information, tips and tricks about Oracle Locator and Oracle Spatial. We, that is Patenge Karin, Bernhard Fischer-Wasel, Haitham Zyadeh . The blog is aimed at developers and interested in technology.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Aquaria Sealant To Work

season opener

Dear players,
the new season next week, same times on Sunday opened with a derby against the Union St.Pölten for us. We now had a 2-month break in which we have not seen hardly any.

therefore briefly to my situation: I have - as it always is well known - in the early summer, suffered a herniated disc that has washed well. Whole two weeks I could not walk at all and had massive pain, the right foot from the knee was extremely impaired. Well now I'm mostly pain-free, but to play football I can not think. I hope that I can sit in the spring of 2011 on the bank of the locomotive Traisen.

I have invested enough thought into the last season, not me, this course satisfies. One of the main points and advantages of the Lok Ttraisen is somehow no longer existed on this scale - the fire and the last passion. I had not everybody feel that the last ambition was there to improve. Also, I think I have noticed that we have left us as a team too much on the individual quality in midfield and attack. Especially in spring I could take this matter more. Well, and somehow we were to ensure that we would always defend the title and have forgotten the most basic virtues. Not that we were really bad, but the last 5-10% Applications have not been lacking. There are no excuses for eg the appearance in Inzersdorf regardless of what happened next. The first half was a pure disaster, it has to be also given times.
I hope that Ejder individual has thought about this and has not been checked off on the ride home after the matches the subject. Especially the analysis of their own performance and team performance is extremely important and should be more objective as possible. Recall previously returned to the legendary victory against box a year, as we are then performed as a team and we have we presented this year in the spring. No comparison.

It is therefore important that we all refocus on the essential points in football. This is the joy of playing, the passion, attitude, collective thinking, PETERS tactical directives, the WE FEEL. These virtues are to put together the bottom line is happiness and make every football match into an event. This is the original meaning of our Lok Traisen - to have fun together. It is working on it, you have to fight for the pleasure. The more one design brings to the team the greater will be more collective joy. And we must not let opposing players, referees or spectators from bringing the concept. We have our goal in mind and we can not dissuade them. Our goal for the 2010/11 season are to recapture the title must be our goal must be to make the games more dominant (no performances ala Stössing, Inzersdorf), must be our goal every game to win. Whoever wins, has the most fun - it's just in sports.
I am confident that we will also create, we'll make legendary performances but it will also set one or the other by adult game. Since then we have to fight us. Heads hang or can lead to strong external influences, then they will not longer be allowed to happen. So I do not want to point out inexcusable stories.
I hope for a good season, I will miss a game and always be there (if I'm not the team's nerve, hehe). I'm looking forward immensely to the season and I'm confident. I am pleased once again to take all, unfortunately, the meeting also turned out to be rare (apart from the games, which I take my cap). In this sense I wish
every player all the best for the season, good luck and above all, may all be spared from injury.
Admin Örn!