Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Diagram For X Wing Star Wars Pinewood Derby Car

De-aggregate composite geometries

from a composite geometry (multi-polygon, several elements, optionally also contains sub-elements / rings) can use the function EXTRACT individual elements are extracted.

This function for 2D vector data, as well as analog EXTRACT3D for 3D vector data, is in PL / SQL package SDO_UTIL available. The latter function, however, it is only since the DB version 11.1 in the package. The format is briefly described as follows:

sdo_util.extract (

element geometry IN SDO_GEOMETRY,
ring IN NUMBER default 0
) return SDO_GEOMETRY; - 2D
And how are specifically ? Where is the Multipolgyon "Brandenburg" (SDO_GTYPE = 2007) from the World Sample NAVTEQ Data Bundle


- Extraction of Element 1, Ring 1 SQL> select sdo_util.extract (geometry, 1, 1) from where m_admin_area2 feature_name = 'Brandenburg';

- Result of the outer ring of Brandenburg
- Extraction of Element 1, Ring 2
SQL> select sdo_util.extract (geometry, 1, 2) from where m_admin_area2 feature_name = 'Brandenburg';

- Result of the inner ring of Brandenburg, while the administrative border of the State of Berlin
- Extraction of Element 2, Ring 2
SQL> select sdo_util.extract (geometry, 2, 1) from where m_admin_area2 feature_name = 'Brandenburg';

- result here is a small enclave in Brandenburg Saxony-Anhalt
More information can be found naturally in the online documentation on OTN ( # sthref1955


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