Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Lok - 26/06/2010 Maqui

final score 2-0

list Lok: Pucher - Girsch P . - Sössen - Nader - Reichl - Seltenheim - Girsch G. - Wagner - Thürauer - Weber - Hinteregger
change: Luger for Hinteregger 45th, Hinteregger for Stöss 65th

was the last game of the season to get the locomotive Another 3 points and does so from the league in second with 25 points. In sweltering heat, the game was splashing along, both teams were ready, but there were few clear chances. The locomotive had more possession and the game shifted noticeably in the half of the guest team. Just before the break, was injured, unfortunately, the Maqui -sweeper and captain hard on the knee, the Lok wishes him a speedy recovery in this way.
increased in the second half of the locomotive and the pressure came in the 55th Minute to the deserved lead. The Maqui -defense played offside, a defender fell asleep However, so could turn Michael Weber without problems alone in front Keeper . The compensatory attempts of the guests were all very good support from the Lok Gernot Pucher frustrated and so was in the 70th Minute, the decision in favor of the home side. After a nice combination of several stations was the goalie bouncing just short and Daniel Hinteregger closing in the style of a class striker with his second ice-cold Goal of the season off. Then not much happened and the sovereign arbiter Haider whistled for the last time from this season.
FC won its last game and box thus became masters. The locomotive Traisen hereby congratulates the championship title. The Kastner have are their fair attitude and good game is a decent amateur league champion.
The locomotive Traisen will attack again next year to give full and everything is back the trophy .
I look forward to a fair and equitable season encounter in which all the parties with respect.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

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On Saturday, the 26th June will take place at 17.00 clock, the last championship game. Enemies are our friends of the club SV Maqui.

After that, the GH Koll more extensively about past and next Season chat. And the desert is, of course, a World Cup knockout round! play

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nerf Birthday Parties In England

Task IV tangible illustration

- Target group: young people or adults
- Scope: Single Illustration exempt, not size and format specified.
- Application: non-fiction.

- How to:
a) Order analysis: medium, audience, technology, etc.
b) research on the topic: online media, magazines , books, film, museums, etc.
goal: understanding the matter, finding ideas, maybe find suitable templates.
c) sketches and scribbles: brainstorming, idea generation, working out of motives
d) If necessary. gross Vorkizze of the subject, sketch, artwork

How it works?
Explain the world!
free choice of topics (art, history, Nature). Explain that an object / process / complex of your choice, so it works / process / structure is clearly!
example, with elevations, sections, timelines, maps, drawings explosion ...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Confidentiality Language Fax

begins where sustainable tourism?

After I've written now so much theoretical, I would like now to actually come concerns of my blogs. I think the "new tourism " which has begun in recent years to develop.

begins where sustainable tourism?

Now he starts for the traveler on the path to the destination. Right after he left the front door at home, he meets various decisions affecting the sustainability and ecology of the trip. Running it by car, bus, train or fly it by plane or departs on a bicycle?

Here it is, first, the travel expenses related to greenhouse gas neutral. In Germany can generally be dispensed to the aircraft, the journey by train is usually in most cases even faster. Of course this does not apply to trips to the South or on long trips, you can not take the train to Thailand by boat, it just would not be feasible if it were in fact ultimately environmental and climate-friendly than.

Meanwhile, there are airlines that either the guest to give a balance to be caused greenhouse gases to create or allow for equal compensation in the fare. If this is not possible, there are also ideas like amtosfair.de where his co ² emissions can even calculate and can invest in projects to combat climate change.

course this is not a perfect balance, it would always be better the greenhouse gas produced in the first place, but as a world will be without long-distance flights probably always a utopia, because we want people to see just the world, it is an acceptable solution for this part of traveling.

The current development and the so-called austerity measures the government have indeed now a first impact on the airline industry. Kerosene should be taxed in the future, a development which is welcomed. Because every other means of transport shall be subject to taxation on energy costs, Car, train, ship, only for the airlines, the fuel is not taxed.
This is of course the flights from Germany more expensive something, a positive effect will be, however, that the extremely short trips will decrease by plane to shop for a day to Berlin, London or Milan, for environmental and climate point of this is to be welcomed.

self Alltours Verhuven chief supports this new fuel tax!
"The entry into a however circumscribed taxation of aviation fuel is long overdue." With these words, alltours CEO William Verhuven, the decision of the Federal Government for the introduction of organic air vehicle fee.

"It can not be that is polluted by low-flying and tickets for 9.90 € the environment." Lasting impact on our own business does not expect Verhuven. "Additional costs of 14 € by the charge are in a two-week vacation to neglect," the alltours boss. Last year some 1.5 million people booked a holiday at alltours flight.

He also expects that now follow the German example of other European countries, though less from an environmental conviction, for lack of tax revenue.

my opinion, this development, particularly when higher quality tourism to the ecological and sustainable tourism is a chance to be as here, the price increases by the control only a small part.

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Conclusion and target groups

As has been found in the course of my survey and analysis of the results is the most promising age group of 50 to 65 years old traveler. They are largely willing to pay more for organic and sustainable travel and come to the opposite approach and due to their longer average stay at the resort.

important for the target group of ecologically and sustainably travelers is the fact that a rich culture that the destination is present, the nature offers worthwhile goals and the accommodation is no lack of comfort.
was less important for this target group, the family-friendly, the entertainment amenities and an all-inclusive program.

All of this together in my opinion is to be considered very positive, just because many developing and emerging countries have to offer an outstanding cultural diversity and stunning natural wonders. Also would want to focus on the development of sustainable tourism spot the hotel guests with the All-Inclusive hotel complex offers on their own extremely counterproductive. Since
Hotel's own entertainment, guests often discourages them the to visit local night life, it is also not a disadvantage that this target group here is no focus on travel needs.

For long distance trips and trips to more distant countries can be said in conclusion that the age group of 50-65 year-old a very good target group for ecologically oriented and sustainable tourism products straight.

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amount of paid leave

In order to minimize adverse impact on the environment and the climate to have the duration of a journey especially when traveling abroad and especially in long-distance travel is of great importance for the ecological and sustainable tourism .

The journey to the holiday destination leads to increased consumption and CO ² emissions even the most modern aircraft like the Airbus A380 or 3.4 liters per passenger per 100 kilometers. It is therefore only logical that the longer the stay at the destination is the relative CO ² emissions of arrival is reduced. Precisely in these terms can be said that short city breaks for 1-2 days are particularly harmful to the climate.

Who so serious about environmental and sustainable tourism says, should also aim to increase the time spent on the holiday destination. But since the annual leave of most working people is severely limited, in my opinion is a realistic period of sustainable Travel to each destination in 15-21 days and beyond.

The results of my survey are presented in the following two diagrams.

As you can see in my survey was the relevant target group for sustainable travel abroad in the 30-45 year olds at about 30% percent. In this age group, the majority clearly favored the maximum annual leave lasts 14 days.

This changes in the 50-60 year old travelers. Here, 45% prefer an annual holiday lasts 15-21 days and the other 18% go here even longer than 21 days in the big holiday.

From the facts of the environmental and sustainable travel can be found that even the most promising is the age group of 50-65 years old tourists here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

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How much are customers prepared to pay more for environmentally friendly and sustainable products?

An interesting and important question for all stakeholders in the tourism industry is whether customers are on the one more willing to pay for such a product and if so how much they are willing to pay more. work out better

To our potential target group, I have allocated the responses to the different age groups and survey participants have the opportunity to choose between 4 different price ranges.

In the age group 18-29, one can see about that a third of respondents not willing to pay for a sustainable product a higher price. However, a further one-third willing to accept up to 49 € surcharge and a further 43% percent would be willing to even pay up to 99 € surcharge, however, none of the respondents willing to accept more than 100 € extra charge.

The age group with the most votes for a surprise extra cost 100-199 € was that of 30-49 year olds. Whether this was a statistical slips or so connected so that the questioning took place at the Stuttgart airport, would have to be analyzed by further interviews and surveys.

The greatest willingness Total to pay more for a sustainable and environmentally friendly holidays found himself as we can see in the age group of 50-65 year olds. Whole, 81 percent were advised here for a vacation to pay more and 82% stated that they would pay 50-200 € more ready for such a vacation.

It could in this case the target group may be found on the might provider of green and sustainable travel offers focus at the beginning.

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Is there a market for environmental and sustainable tourism? Part 2

Below I will highlight the importance of various criteria for a specific product decision.
So now let's look again only to customers have previously indicated to be preferred green and sustainable products. How they distribute their attention to each criterion?

As we can see in this group is the importance of an environmentally friendly and sustainable product for the decision to buy bigger. For this group, this criterion is more important than entertainment and family friendly.

can also be seen that the importance of culture, nature and comfort has increased. We are dealing here with one that is already "more sophisticated" audience that generally traveled less frequently with children and no more value and entertainment Keep the fun evening sets.

Let's go one step further and look more closely into the group in which we see now, only the responses of those who would also pay more for a green and environmentally friendly product.

Interesting to see is that on the one hand one more time entertainment and family friendliness are less important as environmental friendliness and sustainability of the product, but now the all-inclusive experiences a lower level of agreement.

But culture and nature remain at the resort of great importance and the importance of comfort on holiday is increasing once again.

As an intermediate conclusion we can say that defines the emerging target for green and sustainable tourism in a big demand for quality vacation and this refers particularly comfortable, healthy environment and culture. Makes its decision does not depend primarily on price, even if it means raising prices and puts less emphasis on the usual entertainment, child-friendly and an all-inclusive program.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

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Is there a market for environmental and sustainable tourism?

In the course of my dissertation, I conducted a survey through to answer several questions.
The fundamental question whether customers would a green and sustainable tourism product preferred when price and "quality" of the performance would be identical to a standard product n , answered 76 percent of respondents with JA . Within this group, but "only" 48 percent of respondents to the sustainability of the product is of great importance in their decision making process a holiday stay.
To get usable data and make a statement with regard to target groups could be more questions were asked and analyzed.
in Figure 4.2 to see is, I posed the question whether customers are ready for a more green and sustainable product to pay if the product is equivalent to a "normal" range is.
As we can see in the diagram are about 50 percent of 18-29 year olds willing to pay more for such a product , but 33 percent would pay between 1 to 49 € more and 17 percent to 99 €. Contrast, none of the respondents were in this age group to do more like 100 € for a green and sustainable product pay more. This is probably explained with the fact that in this age group, income is not as high as in other age groups and preferences with regard to strong holiday entertainment are pronounced.
Even in the age group of 30-49 year olds I got the result that about 50 percent of respondents would be willing to pay more for a green and sustainable product more. However, the willingness to pay more otherwise distributed as in the younger age group. In this age group is the total of all respondents across the readiness of the largest, more like 100 € to pay more if the product green and sustainable is .
contrast is the age group of 50-65 year olds generally more willing for a green and sustainable product at the most pronounced, as the 65 year olds show greater acceptance of higher prices.
Another question I posed was the importance of an environmentally friendly and sustainable products in the decision making process of travel choice.
As you can vary the importance of product quality between the different age groups. For all age groups have in common is that these products feature a total of not all is too important. Compared to other subjects (see Figure: Importance of different criterias) plays the environmental and sustainability only a minor role. However, be said that there is, especially in the middle age groups, a certain openness to this issue.

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Is there a market for environmental and sustainable tourism?

Throughout my dissertation, I conducted a survey through to answer several questions. The fundamental question whether
would prefer the customer a green and sustainable tourism product when price and "quality" of the performance would be identical to a standard product n , answered 76 percent of respondents with JA . Within this group, but "only" 48 percent of respondents To book the sustainability of the product is of great importance in their decision making process a vacation.
To get usable data and make a statement with regard to target groups could be more questions were asked and analyzed.
in Figure 4.2 to see is, I posed the question whether customers are ready for a more green and sustainable product to be paid if the product is equivalent to a "normal" range is.
As we can see in the diagram are about 50 percent of 18-29 year olds willing to pay more for such a product , but 33 percent would pay between 1 to 49 € more and 17 percent to 99 €. Contrast, none of the respondents were in this age group to do more like 100 € for a green and sustainable product pay more. This is probably explained with the fact that in this age group, income is not as high as in other age groups and preferences with regard to strong holiday entertainment are pronounced.
Even in the age group of 30-49 year olds I got the result that about 50 percent of respondents would be willing to pay more for a green and sustainable product more. However, the willingness to pay more otherwise distributed as in the younger age group. In this Age group is the total of all respondents across the readiness of the largest, more like 100 € to pay more if the product green and sustainable is .
contrast is the age group of 50-65 year olds generally more willing for a green and sustainable product at the most pronounced, as the 65 year olds show greater acceptance of higher prices.
Another question I posed was the importance of an environmentally friendly and sustainable products in the decision making process of travel choice.
As you can vary the importance of product quality between the different age groups. For all age groups have in common is that these products feature a total of not all is too important. Compared to other subjects (see Figure: Importance of different criterias) plays the environmental and sustainability only a minor role. However, it can be said that there is, especially in the middle age groups, a certain openness to this issue.

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impact of tourism on nature, culture and the social fabric of the host countries

Tourism has a clear impact on host countries, as millions of international tourists each year to travel around the world. This is the tourism industry is one of the most important industries, which represents about 1 / 9 of all jobs worldwide. (McMinn, 1997) is
While tourism is often seen as a source of economic growth of host countries, but can also be a number of negative effects such as the destruction of the ecosystem and the loss of national culture to be found. (Lansing, 2006)
Dolnicar wrote in 2006 that there are two paradigms for green and sustainable tourism.
ecotourism is limited to "nature-based tourism", sustainable tourism is a view based on supply on this topic by industry rules and regulations The fundamental assumption is that sustainable tourism reduces the negative impact of tourism on host countries, while it also has positive economic effects for the inhabitants of the "affected" areas. (Dinan, 2000)
Green and Sustainable Tourism no approach is made in principle against growth, but in order to protect the tourism destinations before the destruction of their natural resources, there are limits to sustainable growth that must be met.
This means to install sustainable tourism is important to ensure that environmental and culture of the destination country as little as possible affected.
The old and to this day still predominant form of tourism marketing has, for too long only for the massive expansion of the number of visitors concentrated and tried using a most favorable price to convince potential customers of their product. This corporate philosophy and its negative effects can now be seen all over the world in the most popular holiday destinations. Coastal regions such as the Costa Brava in Spain and large parts of Mallorca have been destroyed forever. Bed castles were built, built over the coastal strip and therefore the natural coastal changed significantly.
That such action and negative effects on the individual parties who depend on tourism is obvious. If the individual tourist centers are very similar in appearance to disappear, so the opportunities to promote USPs. The price of products falls rapidly and tourists migrate to relatively new and therefore relatively untouched destinations.
This is mainly due to the negative impact of tourist areas and is contrary to sustainable economies and sustainable success, even if you can cultural aspects and the impact on the environment aside.
Despite these negative effects it can viewed as uncontested be that tourism can be a good opportunity for developing countries to reduce economic disadvantage compared to developed countries.

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introduction to the dissertation: Green and Sustainable Tourism

Tourism is often described as a good opportunity for the development of developing countries and is also one of the world's most important industries. Tourism can create jobs and thereby make people in developing countries a higher standard of living.
but also from tourism can represent a major threat to culture and environment of individual countries, because it changes people's lives and considerable influence on the nature of tourism Regions can have. can

Throughout this blog I will identify opportunities and solutions based on studies and examples, such as arise for tourism industry and tourism regions a competitive advantage through green and sustainable tourism, sustainable when products are developed and distributed.
I will show how consumers want to "green and sustainable products" and how far they are willing to pay this higher price or to forgo amenities would. take

To be a part of my income in advance, a long-lasting competitive advantage through green and sustainable tourism, especially tourism businesses can not achieve, as the tourism industry as a very homogenous market can be described, may be on the information and know-how protected hard ahead of the competition. Unlike other industries such as the automotive industry, can be in a service-oriented field no technological progress achieved, which would not be copied by the competition.

situation is different in this course in all tourist regions and countries. Can the country's culture and nature only and are "conserved", so is the medium to long term a significant competitive advantage to other regions with less or no emphasis on a sustainable Development of tourism have taken and their identity and thus have lost their USP.

is specifically for tourism companies embarking on a green and sustainable product portfolio that is only a real competitive advantage if they are one of the so-called first-mover and go with an early market entry is not only more attention to, but is possibly also a achieve greater credibility by the early and forced entry into the market this product fields. Another advantage of first-movers, of course, that they have to compete with new entrants from their longer experience an advantage in the market.

Especially in a so narrow and highly competitive market such as tourism, it is of great advantage to be able to offer its potential customers a product that adds value over the competition. The development in the food industry and the automotive industry have shown, and show that customers not only look solely to the price and the obvious benefits, but that they pay increasing attention to the sustainability of the product.

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try after some trying and individual blogging services, I have now for the sake of getting more visibility in the search engines I decided my blog at Blogger.com newly set up.

My old blog will not continue with this and all contributions will be hereinafter set here in order to achieve better transparency.

this blog will build on the knowledge and experience I gained during my bachelor's thesis and has dealt with the issue of green and sustainable tourism and its potential demand, and with its competitive advantages.

a direct link to the collected works I present HERE available