Friday, June 4, 2010

Confidentiality Language Fax

begins where sustainable tourism?

After I've written now so much theoretical, I would like now to actually come concerns of my blogs. I think the "new tourism " which has begun in recent years to develop.

begins where sustainable tourism?

Now he starts for the traveler on the path to the destination. Right after he left the front door at home, he meets various decisions affecting the sustainability and ecology of the trip. Running it by car, bus, train or fly it by plane or departs on a bicycle?

Here it is, first, the travel expenses related to greenhouse gas neutral. In Germany can generally be dispensed to the aircraft, the journey by train is usually in most cases even faster. Of course this does not apply to trips to the South or on long trips, you can not take the train to Thailand by boat, it just would not be feasible if it were in fact ultimately environmental and climate-friendly than.

Meanwhile, there are airlines that either the guest to give a balance to be caused greenhouse gases to create or allow for equal compensation in the fare. If this is not possible, there are also ideas like where his co ² emissions can even calculate and can invest in projects to combat climate change.

course this is not a perfect balance, it would always be better the greenhouse gas produced in the first place, but as a world will be without long-distance flights probably always a utopia, because we want people to see just the world, it is an acceptable solution for this part of traveling.

The current development and the so-called austerity measures the government have indeed now a first impact on the airline industry. Kerosene should be taxed in the future, a development which is welcomed. Because every other means of transport shall be subject to taxation on energy costs, Car, train, ship, only for the airlines, the fuel is not taxed.
This is of course the flights from Germany more expensive something, a positive effect will be, however, that the extremely short trips will decrease by plane to shop for a day to Berlin, London or Milan, for environmental and climate point of this is to be welcomed.

self Alltours Verhuven chief supports this new fuel tax!
"The entry into a however circumscribed taxation of aviation fuel is long overdue." With these words, alltours CEO William Verhuven, the decision of the Federal Government for the introduction of organic air vehicle fee.

"It can not be that is polluted by low-flying and tickets for 9.90 € the environment." Lasting impact on our own business does not expect Verhuven. "Additional costs of 14 € by the charge are in a two-week vacation to neglect," the alltours boss. Last year some 1.5 million people booked a holiday at alltours flight.

He also expects that now follow the German example of other European countries, though less from an environmental conviction, for lack of tax revenue.

my opinion, this development, particularly when higher quality tourism to the ecological and sustainable tourism is a chance to be as here, the price increases by the control only a small part.


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